Saturday, March 4, 2017

Best Valentine’s Day quotes for her

With February knocking the door in less than a months’ time, days are flying fast, after all the month is all about the aura of romance in the air. And if my imaginations were to be believed, I could say every lover resembles a freshly bloomed flower blushing at the slightest mention of their partners. Even I have seen my granny…her cheeks going red while talking about her Valentine’s Day.

Just like me, almost all of my friends are busy devising a foolproof strategy to sweep their partners off their feet. A firm believer of the lyrics of Boyzone: “words are all I have to take your heart away,” this boy (bestie) planned to jot down something really romantic for his girl like some amazing Valentine’s Day quotes for her. Mind you, my bestie is a financial advisor …and this is what he wrote.

1+1=2, I can’t live without you
2+2=4, I love you more and more
*Slow claps

With sincere regards to his creativity and writings skills, I had to step in, to prevent disaster. An hour of brain storming and we came up with some wonderful Valentine’s Day quotes for her.

Believe it or not, but words have this mystical, magical power enough to heal wounds, melt hearts and create that wonderful feeling called love. So take a note of these Valentine’s day quotes and you can be assured of marking an eternal impact on her.

Love may not be the strongest word to describe what I feel for you.
This Valentine let me ask your permission to transform YOU and I into WE. Be my Valentine.

My buddies were right when they said some day there will be a woman who’d make an honest man out of the fussy and arrogant me. I love you for being that lady of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day!
My lady, this Valentine I promise to be the man of your dreams. I promise to keep my own laundry away; to switch off the TV when not in use; to keep my socks properly and to tell you…
that I love you.
You are as exciting as the finals of FIFA, as mesmerizing as the latest season of Game of Thrones and as electrifying as the episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S that I can never have enough of.
Together we are as good as Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic playing in same team.

How did it happen that we met? How does it happen that we came together, that we like each other, with all the flaws, that the time spent with you seemed precious and you became the centre of my life? Love it was.

The minute I heard a romantic song, I start thinking of you, not knowing what keeps us together. Some say it is love, I’d say it’s your magic. Happy Valentine’s Day my magician!
I am so grateful that every single morning I wake up with my sunshine by my side. Love you, darling.
"Two hearts ran to the end of the world. They recognized each other’s eyes at the final border of the end and infinity.
They hugged each other on that particular moment. No one dares to separate them."