Sunday, April 16, 2017

Can Love Happen Twice?

Once dumped by first love, can one think to fall in love again? Is it really possible to forget the past and start anew? All these questions do strike whenever you happen to meet someone more charming and alluring. The charismatic personality of passer-by forces you to think: Can my heart really beat for someone over again? In that case, you really need to get back to a normal life. Do not show up yourself as a heartbroken lonely girl or guy who yearns for past love life. Go for a Romantic Vacations with love one 

Do not hold on to the past: Yesterday is gone, nothing can correct it. Shun the idea to get along with your ex. Cry a river but do not cling to your dark past. Instead, positive approach along with a fresh start is much required. Make your present more vibrant and cheerful. Be outgoing, and befriend people more frequently.

Captivate your admirers: Start afresh by being engaging and being more open. A girl can enchant thousands mind and has looks to attract the man she wants. Transform your looks, undergo a makeover and mesmerize your admirers. Do not hesitate to converse with the man of your choice.

Be the man of your words: Guys should know that love demands trust and loyalty. Forget your past mistakes, be real and true to her. Remember, girls do want handsome guys but not disloyal and disinterested ones. Never make distance as a barrier in the relationship

Be observant: Now, when you have opened up your heart for love once again, you need to be watchful. May be the guy next door trying harder to get your glance is ignored by your preoccupied life. Notice and pay heed to the guys whom you interact with frequently. He can be your colleague, your neighbor or your friend.

Take the back foot: Learn from your past mistakes and do not be over-indulging. Express your feelings but not overtly. Give space to your guy or girl to be comfortable with you. Do not expect a lot when it comes to gifts and dates. Let him take his own call. May be he needs time to understand you well.

You are in love once again if you feel butterflies in stomach and unusual heartbeats. Clear away all wrong old notions that love can’t happen twice. It can happen as “we can learn to love again

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Romantic Vacation Ideas

Whether you want to walk through the lovely scenery or want to experience the romance of fascinating views, there is a wide range of choices to offer you a memorable romantic getaway. It is the time to relive those romantic moments lost in the monotony of life. Travel with your partner to wonderful places on earth and experience the essence of love once again. All you need to do is to decide the best option that suits your needs among the ‘Top 10 Romantic Vacation Ideas’.

If you are an adventurer and want to adventure around with your beloved, pack your bags and head off towards mountains or forests. Camping together in a secluded place with picturesque view around will entice that feeling called ‘love’ again in your life. You can have a good time together by the sea exploring fun activities together like Scuba-diving or skiing. Check out awesome Scuba Diving Pictures and explore some amazing places.

Moreover, there are times when you need to break-free from hectic schedules and personal difficulties. That time, a change in routine and place can do a lot. Discover some new destinations and rejuvenate your mind and body. A romantic vacation retreat at mountains, lakes, oceans and islands could come to a great help. Are you wondering what could be these vacation retreats? Here are some best Retreat Vacation Ideas.

Based on your needs and preferences, choose any destination or pick up any idea to create memoirs of lifetime. Singing songs with your beloved outdoors and walking miles with her at a new place is a treat, no money can buy! What are you waiting for then? It’s time to get going in your love-life.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Best Valentine’s Day quotes for her

With February knocking the door in less than a months’ time, days are flying fast, after all the month is all about the aura of romance in the air. And if my imaginations were to be believed, I could say every lover resembles a freshly bloomed flower blushing at the slightest mention of their partners. Even I have seen my granny…her cheeks going red while talking about her Valentine’s Day.

Just like me, almost all of my friends are busy devising a foolproof strategy to sweep their partners off their feet. A firm believer of the lyrics of Boyzone: “words are all I have to take your heart away,” this boy (bestie) planned to jot down something really romantic for his girl like some amazing Valentine’s Day quotes for her. Mind you, my bestie is a financial advisor …and this is what he wrote.

1+1=2, I can’t live without you
2+2=4, I love you more and more
*Slow claps

With sincere regards to his creativity and writings skills, I had to step in, to prevent disaster. An hour of brain storming and we came up with some wonderful Valentine’s Day quotes for her.

Believe it or not, but words have this mystical, magical power enough to heal wounds, melt hearts and create that wonderful feeling called love. So take a note of these Valentine’s day quotes and you can be assured of marking an eternal impact on her.

Love may not be the strongest word to describe what I feel for you.
This Valentine let me ask your permission to transform YOU and I into WE. Be my Valentine.

My buddies were right when they said some day there will be a woman who’d make an honest man out of the fussy and arrogant me. I love you for being that lady of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day!
My lady, this Valentine I promise to be the man of your dreams. I promise to keep my own laundry away; to switch off the TV when not in use; to keep my socks properly and to tell you…
that I love you.
You are as exciting as the finals of FIFA, as mesmerizing as the latest season of Game of Thrones and as electrifying as the episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S that I can never have enough of.
Together we are as good as Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic playing in same team.

How did it happen that we met? How does it happen that we came together, that we like each other, with all the flaws, that the time spent with you seemed precious and you became the centre of my life? Love it was.

The minute I heard a romantic song, I start thinking of you, not knowing what keeps us together. Some say it is love, I’d say it’s your magic. Happy Valentine’s Day my magician!
I am so grateful that every single morning I wake up with my sunshine by my side. Love you, darling.
"Two hearts ran to the end of the world. They recognized each other’s eyes at the final border of the end and infinity.
They hugged each other on that particular moment. No one dares to separate them."

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Date outfit ideas for men on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is five days away! I believe you must have chalked out plans of what to gift her, where to get the best meal and where to hangout so as to have the ‘we’ time.

But what’s your plan about yourself? Or in professional terms, the strategy to show up to her doorstep while looking like “someone she wants to be seen with on a date”.

True that Valentine ’s Day is the most romantic day of the year and all that is on your mind is to be with her and spend create some romantic moments with her. But such a big event demands a lion’s heart to just let your outfit slide. Even if it is a casual date, you would not want to show up to her in your PJs, or do you?

But no worries as I have had a detail brain storming with my designer friend to get you covered from top to bottom. And here let me share the excerpts from that mind blowing session. As my friend suggested, a well-fitted suit with nice formal shoes is the first thing that comes to our minds. And you just can’t go wrong with it, if you are good in contrasting various colors together. If not, you have me by your side.

Another point that my friend specifically emphasized upon was the feet. No matter if you are dressing formally or want to go casual, your socks and shoes need to be really impressive. Girls do pay attention to such things! *SIGH.

The fuss free formal
A well-fitted formal suit with a crisp white shirt or the one in shades of pink (Yes, guys do carry pink and with great élan). Complete the look with a perfect pair of shoes, belt and watch, thus reaching out for a gentlemen look to impress your lady.

A dash of red
Perfect that tailored look with an accent of red. It can be red socks that grab the attention, or a red pocket square or may be cufflinks. Complete the look of white shirt, navy blue or black tailored fit suit with brown shoes or brogues.

The not-so-casual date
Dressing up for casual dates can be a bit tricky at time. Try not to go overboard with casual looks or else you’d end up looking like a complete uninterested person who came for a date just like that.

Pair classic blue denim with a red chequered shirt and a blue casual jacket. Matching belt and comfortable pair of shoe (boat shoes or canvas ones) will add to the look, while adding a formal feel to it.

Semi-casual look
A well-tapered fit cotton trouser in navy blue, khaki or brown color would be apt for the times when you don’t want to look casual, yet yearn for a comfortable look. Pair those trousers with a semi-casual solid or chequered shirt coupled with men’s cardigan in grey or blue. You can be experimental with collar. Complete the look with suede moccasins or brown brogues.

An all white look
For those not willing to experiment with colors yet seeking a chic look can go for all white look from wardrobe adding an accent of gold/ brown. White or off-white shirt trouser with brown belt and a pair of brown brogues would be the ideal choice. A chronograph watch in gold tone or a time piece with mother of pearl dial and brown straps complete the look.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Some gift ideas to stay away from Valentine’s Day

My heart says, it is the most romantic time of the year with romance all over. While my brain says, it’s that time of the year when restaurant bookings are full and even a simple rose is priced three times the original.
Heart says accept whatever your lover gifts, with great fervor; mind says, he dare not goof up this time as well. While I am dealing with the tussle between my mind and heart, here is a quick sneak peek into avoiding clichés on Valentine’s Day.

Take a break from overtly boring fine dine options
Heart: Let’s go for fine dine, have some champagne followed by a full course romantic meal in candle light.
Mind: who is interested in going to a place full of all the lovey-dovey couples who probably meet only once in the year. And that too it's housefull! Better wear that chef coat and cook yourself, or else order.

Gift card! For real?

Heart: Let me gift him/her a coupon book or a gift card!
Mind: Are you some 9-year-old gifting a scrapbook? Better grow up and gift her something that she wants or something that defines your bonding. *Sigh.

Over generic personalized gift
Chocolates, roses, hearts are cliché because they're overly generic. They aren’t just about your girl, but any girl in town. Imagine, it’s her birthday and then settle for a gift. And then pack it up with everything red and shiny (if you want).

Flowers and chocolates
Are you for real? Oh boy, get over those flowers and a box of chocolates. This will make you look like a cheeseball. And if your partner happens to be diet conscious…you are gone. However, assuming that everyone likes flowers, you can use them to as ancillary gift.

Not-so-practical gifts
Please…use your common sense which shouts loud that a bouquet of 1000 roses is going to adorn the trash no matter how much she loves them.

Outsourcing your emotions to gift galleries
If you think you really need to get a card for your partner, better get on to make one rather than outsourcing your feeling to gift galleries. I used to buy cards when I was eight years old. But the very first valentine and I decided to be original and write whatever insanely stupid I could think of. At least, he will have a good laugh reading it.
It doesn't need to be fancy. And please, do us a favor and skip those super lengthy poems. Let there be some difference between a date and English literature classroom. Just a couple of simple, straightforward sentences that have the virtue of being, well...yours!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Valentine’s day dates gone wrong

How to make Valentine’s day a “perfect” date is what is one of the most herculean tasks of all times. No matter how many friends advice you or how much blogs you go through, there is always that nervousness of ‘what if she doesn’t like the idea’?

Once one of my friends devised a foolproof Valentine’s day date for his girl that included trekking and rappelling since his girl is adventure freak. But unfortunately their car broke down mid-way leaving them stranded in middle of nowhere. Needless to say their trip was memorable for all bad reasons. Poor guy! Read More Valentine Messages

We asked 7 women for their worst ever Valentine's Day dates so that all you alpha males can get an idea of what not to do. So, I had been dating this guy for over two months and was super excited for our first Valentine’s day together. Two days before Feb 14th, I received a text from him to get ready for a sleepover at his place. *Blush. I packed my sexiest lingerie, cute PJs and learnt a step or two of lap dance. His room was nicely decorated and plan was that we’ll binge watch movies on Netflix. We settled with our tubs of popcorns and I was taken aback the moment movie began. It was SAW series!!! I ended up watching SAW on my Valentine’s day date.  - Kelly, 22

He was one of the most eligible bachelors at my workplace. Wheatish complexion, 6’2” height and chiselled body made him drool worthy. And when he asked me out, I was on cloud nine. He asked me to be ready in the evening and he was supposed to pick me up. We went to this fancy shmancy fine dine restaurant and just when we were enjoying our drinks, entered his parents. Meeting someone’s parents on first date, that was SUPER AWKWARD! I faked an emergency at my place and literally ran out of that place. - Natasha, 27 Read More Valentine Messages for Boyfriend

He had this habit of surprising me which used to be awkward at times and last Valentine was one such day. On 13th Feb, I received his text asking to pack my bags and gear up. I was kinda excited but afraid at the same time. Next morning he was there at my door, and we started our voyage for some unknown place (secrets are what he like). Close to 3 hour drive and we reached to this amazing place covered in middle of a jungle like area. But wait a second, we were supposed to rappelling and bungee jumping (and I was on my periods). That guy didn’t even bother to share the plan so that I could drop a hint about the tsunami in my uterus. We were on way back in next couple of hours, and I was thinking of ways to break up with him. – Anaya, 24

We had plans to go to my favourite rooftop restro bar on Valentine’s day. He was the one leading all the plans, so I chose to relax. So he picked me from my place, we went for a movie before heading for dinner. By the time we reached there, he realised, he has not made bookings. All famished and irate by that time, I had to settle for Pizza Hut. Though he made up for it the next day, but that date...still I feel arghh!! – Liza, 29 Read More Valentines Messages for Her

So I have always been towards the higher side of weighing scale. I was dating this super health conscious guy, who used to preach me (at times) about how to lose weight. I was ignorant to all those talks and continued dating him. Last valentine’s I went to his place, things were great until he served the dinner. The food was....a nightmare for any date. Pretending to be oh-so-heath-conscious, he served lettuce salad with white vinegar dressing, some diet soup and fresh fruit salad. I was flabbergasted and taken aback and that was it. Next moment I broke up with him and treated myself with cheese burst pizza, three donughts and a tub of choco-chip ice-cream. - Ghasia, 25

Friday, February 17, 2017

10 simple tips to look super *sexy* on your Valentine’s date!

With less than a week left to Valentine’s Day, there is just so much to talk about it. And I am sure you are literally dying to look your best this Valentine’s day. While your significant other would already be wearing his heart on his sleeves, here are a few quick tips that would make him fall for you all over again. These simple and fuss-free beauty tips will ensure you look super sexy and totally enticing as you get ready to date him. Read Interesting Proposal Lines

Exfoliate and moisturize

You know what, super soft and baby like skin is what men really feel tempted towards. Don’t forget those weekly body scrubs and exfoliate your skin. On the D-day, enjoy a little long and lazy bath using a good body scrub which will leave your skin smooth and dewy.

Follow it with using generous amount of moisturizer. You could use fragrant body lotion like the one from Victoria Secret. You can also use olive oil along with some dust of shimmer for that oh-so-amazing glow. Know some Flirty Questions to Ask a Guy You Like

Red lips don’t lie

As they say, when in doubt, wear red for it looks every bit sensuous, every bit seductive. And when you choose Red lipstick, you can be sure of getting all the attention as it adds an instant glow to your looks. Outline your lips with lip pencil before applying lipstick.

Basic hygiene

Well-groomed hands and legs are just so essential. If you think to ditch waxing your legs, as you are wearing pants or long skirt, rethink once. Little hair peeping near your ankle are not something you would have planned for a date. Also know Top 10 First Date Gifts Ideas

Makeup matter

I know you have made great plans zeroing your Valentine’s day looks, but still take time to decide on your makeup. My advice is to stick as close to natural look as you can. Also, carry a touch-up kit to deal with sweat patches or runny mascara. Stack some face tissues and a kohl pencil as well along with hair brush and some extra bobby pins.

The lingerie game

A sexy lacy bra is a great choice but rethink once else you may end up with a lot of discomfort. Moreover, don’t experiment too much with your lingerie; it may ruin your date. Once my friend wore an off shoulder dress to her date and she spent most of her time managing her stick-on bra that denied to stick. May be work these Top 10 Dating Tips

Be kiss ready!

Good that you’ve that red lipstick on, but do make sure that it doesn’t dry out your lips. Prep your lips by using a lip balm or a lip scrub some time before applying lipstick or else you may end up with red but chapped lips. Hope you enjoy these Flirting Lines

Smell like a dream

Science says every human has a distinct fragrance which itself can turn on someone. However, there is no harm wearing a fab scent after you’ve slipped into your Valentine’s day outfit. Spray some on your wrists, the bottom of your throat, inside the elbows and behind the ears.