Saturday, February 25, 2017

Some gift ideas to stay away from Valentine’s Day

My heart says, it is the most romantic time of the year with romance all over. While my brain says, it’s that time of the year when restaurant bookings are full and even a simple rose is priced three times the original.
Heart says accept whatever your lover gifts, with great fervor; mind says, he dare not goof up this time as well. While I am dealing with the tussle between my mind and heart, here is a quick sneak peek into avoiding clichés on Valentine’s Day.

Take a break from overtly boring fine dine options
Heart: Let’s go for fine dine, have some champagne followed by a full course romantic meal in candle light.
Mind: who is interested in going to a place full of all the lovey-dovey couples who probably meet only once in the year. And that too it's housefull! Better wear that chef coat and cook yourself, or else order.

Gift card! For real?

Heart: Let me gift him/her a coupon book or a gift card!
Mind: Are you some 9-year-old gifting a scrapbook? Better grow up and gift her something that she wants or something that defines your bonding. *Sigh.

Over generic personalized gift
Chocolates, roses, hearts are cliché because they're overly generic. They aren’t just about your girl, but any girl in town. Imagine, it’s her birthday and then settle for a gift. And then pack it up with everything red and shiny (if you want).

Flowers and chocolates
Are you for real? Oh boy, get over those flowers and a box of chocolates. This will make you look like a cheeseball. And if your partner happens to be diet conscious…you are gone. However, assuming that everyone likes flowers, you can use them to as ancillary gift.

Not-so-practical gifts
Please…use your common sense which shouts loud that a bouquet of 1000 roses is going to adorn the trash no matter how much she loves them.

Outsourcing your emotions to gift galleries
If you think you really need to get a card for your partner, better get on to make one rather than outsourcing your feeling to gift galleries. I used to buy cards when I was eight years old. But the very first valentine and I decided to be original and write whatever insanely stupid I could think of. At least, he will have a good laugh reading it.
It doesn't need to be fancy. And please, do us a favor and skip those super lengthy poems. Let there be some difference between a date and English literature classroom. Just a couple of simple, straightforward sentences that have the virtue of being, well...yours!

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